Posts Tagged ‘Shoe hurled’

Shoe dissent

It all started with Bush, then the “attacks” on Chidambaram, Naveen Jindal, Manmohan Singh & Advani followed in quick succession. Hurling of a shoe at a public representative seems to have become a common form of expression among the populace. The fact that the initial throwers escaped scot free without any punishment, has emboldened the publicity seekers in aping the gesture in an attempt to become famous. While such an act may not be a crime as per the existing laws of the land, it certainly shows the absence of etiquette and manners and reflects on the upbringing of the attackers. Advani’s gleeful attempt at jocularity when he was asked to comment on the predicament of Chidambaram fast evaporated when he found that he was on the receiving end soon thereafter.

While at times we may feel that a rap or two from our footwear might be just what the doctor ordered for some of these self-serving politicians we cannot close our eyes to the fact that this is resulting in a dangerous trend which might obtain epidemic proportions if not nipped in the bud. God forbid, if more then one person decide to adopt this novel approach to expression of dissent, the state of the person on the receiving end would be pitiable indeed. It was perhaps with this in mind that Narendra Modi decided to be safe rather than sorry and arranged for a volleyball net to save him from any projectiles aimed towards him.

Ajay K Yadavalli